Hello! The resources here are suitable for students in classrooms, working one-on-one with tutors, or working with the help of a parent at home. They are simple, easy-to-use, printable PDF files. We hope you find something you like!
Hello! The resources here are suitable for students in classrooms, working one-on-one with tutors, or working with the help of a parent at home. They are simple, easy-to-use, printable PDF files. We hope you find something you like!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph ‘summarize and describe’ essay on a topic related to building iron bridges. It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
Iron Bridges And Their Construction
Edward Rowland describes the process of building iron bridges at the end of the 19th century. First he writes about bridge construction in general, referring to important accomplishments in that field from earlier times. He then describes in detail how iron is prepared when it will be used for bridge-building. He ends with a brief description of how an iron bridge is assembled.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in 19th century literature or the Steampunk movement.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph ‘summarize and describe’ essay on a topic related to volcanoes (in particular, Mount Vesuvius). It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
Letters of Pliny, by Pliny the Younger
Pliny was born in 62 CE. He witnessed an eruption of the famous Mount Vesuvius, which he describes here in two detailed letters to a friend.
Buried Cities: Pompeii, Olympia, Mycena, by Jennie Hall
Written in 1922 by a History and English teacher, this text describes Mount Vesuvius first-hand according to various different sources, from ancient times to the early twentieth century.
Mount Vesuvius, by Edwin J. Houston
Written in 1907 by a professor, this text offers interesting information both about Mount Vesuvius’ eruptions and the cities and people affected by them.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in Roman history, or geology.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph ‘compare and contrast’ essay on a topic related to deep space travel (fiction). It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
. . . So They Baked A Cake
A bitter, hardened journalist joins an elite space crew for an experimental voyage into deep space, a daring mission to find a planet that humans could colonize. They are travelling at one tenth the speed of light but the journey will still take 42 years one way in Earth time. The protagonist’s pessimism about humanity, and the crew’s growing despair due to the implications of the ultra-fast travel, are both confounded by an unexpectedly happy conclusion to their journey.
The Lonely Ones
A space crew is on an exploratory mission to find life on another planet – human or alien, they don’t care which. Discouraged by the lifeless landscapes of the planets in the solar system, they finally reach a new planet and land. Faced with an advanced society in which they will be treated as insignificant underlings, they decide to continue their journey further into space, though in a changed frame of mind.
*Note: *The stories contain mild expletives, such as ‘what the hell’, and include mature themes such as references to drinking alcohol.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in science fiction or futuristic literature.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph persuasive essay on a topic related to wilderness survival. It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
The Vagrants of the Barren
When his shack burns to the ground, a solitary woodsman must face the wilderness alone in midwinter. He is knowledgeable and experienced, but he is aware that his chances of survival under such circumstances are slim. He must find food and shelter quickly. A sudden storm makes his situation all the more difficult. In the end, a chance encounter with a herd of caribou allows him to survive and to reach safety.
The Grip In Deep Hole
Alone in the woods that he has known and loved since childhood, a woodsman approaches a rushing stream only to feel the bank give way underneath his feet. He plunges into the water – and his foot becomes tangled in an underwater ‘trap’ of slimy roots. Repeated attempts to free himself amount to nothing. A bear arrives, and as it swims past, the woodsman cleverly – and amazingly – finds a way to use the bear’s strength to escape a tragic end.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in wilderness survival or wild animal behavior.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph ‘summarize and describe’ essay on a topic related to a 19th century tourist’s visit to India. It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
The author and narrator, an Englishman travelling in India with his invaluable guide and trusted friend, Bhima Gandharva, describes their visits to a handful of beautiful monuments and places including the Taj Mahal and an indigo factory. The description includes some local folklore and the reactions of the narrator to the beauty around him and to the people he encounters.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in Bollywood or history.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph persuasive essay in which you defend the opinion that a visit to the historical sites of Athens would be interesting - or boring. It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
A Glance At The Site And Antiquities of Athens
The author writes a first-hand account of visiting various ancient sites within Athens, with the intent of recommending the place as a fascinating destination for North American tourists. They describe the historical importance of the sites and their links to Greek mythology, and refer to the size and atmosphere of the places as well. The text dates from 1873 and is a charming example of the type of laid-back, informed travel that was in vogue in that era.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student with an interest in Greek mythology or who enjoyed the ‘Percy Jackson’ series when they were younger.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
This complete lesson will guide you to write a full, 5-paragraph ‘summarize and describe’ essay on a topic related to enjoying a thoughtful winter walk. It includes full instructions, a list of possible topics, worksheets and all necessary primary texts.
This assignment will take at least one week to complete.
Make the most of this easy and efficient way to practice essay writing, without having to commit to reading an entire novel or play before getting started!
A Winter Walk, by H. D. Thoreau
The author writes in the first person, describing a long winter walk through a wooded area with few human inhabitants. He communicates what he sees and feels while walking, and also his innermost thoughts and musings about the nature of life, wilderness, and humans’ place within the world. This text is descriptive and pensive.
TIP! This may be a good choice for a student who has an interest in philosophy or who enjoys the peaceful side of nature.
Need some extra essay writing practice? Check out our Beginning and Concluding Paragraphs resource!
Naya Nuki is an excellent adventure and survival novel based on true and remarkable events. It is suitable for students age 9 to 11.
The main character is a real person, a Shoshoni girl who quite incredibly escaped capture by an enemy tribe and made her way alone on foot back to her family. The book relates how she successfully journeyed 1000 miles (just over 1609 kilometres) across what is now the northern United States. She safely navigated a wide variety of terrains, found food, coped with wild animals, avoided capture by hostile tribes, and fended of loneliness. Her story is known thanks to a surprising coincidence – she was best friends with the renowned Sacajawea.
The story of Naya Nuki has been retold by Kenneth Thomasma, an expert on wilderness survival. It is a good choice for young readers because the descriptions of wilderness and survival tactics within it are accurate. In addition, Naya Nuki is portrayed as a brave, resourceful and inspiring person. Her story is uplifting and interesting.
• reading comprehension questions for each of 15 chapters and the epilogue
• images of a buffalo hides for each chapter, both small and large, labelled and plain
• instructions for multiple ways to use both the questions and the hides
A map showing Naya Nuki’s route is included in the published book, which must be purchased or borrowed separately as it is protected by copyright. Contact information for the author is included which will enable you to purchase the book at a reduced rate, procure signed copies, and enjoy free shipping!
Do you have a student who loves dogs, and is ready to read more advanced English? This story will stretch a 9 to 10 year old’s English reading abilities while entertaining them with interesting and witty dog stories that are easy to love (no serious drama, deaths or abuse by humans in this book).
This is an original animal story by Hugh Lofting, author of the famous Doctor Dolittle books. In twelve chapters, read about Quetch, a dog who set out to seek his fortune. Thomas Stubbins, the Doctor’s young assistant, faithfully writes down the story, which is told in Quetch’s own words. See the world from an intelligent dogs point-of-view!
Following each chapter are three reading comprehension questions to be answered in a separate notebook, in complete sentences. There is also a list of five words from the chapter: the student should copy them into the blank space provided, and learn to spell them. Finish up by colouring a simple dog drawing! (There is one drawing at the end of every chapter.)
Do you have a student who loves bugs, and is ready to read more advanced English? This story will stretch a 9 to 10 year old’s English reading abilities while entertaining them with thoughtful insect stories by the famous creator of ‘Doctor Dolittle’.
In thirteen chapters, read about a water beetle who travelled across the ocean on a duck’s foot, a wasp who decided the victory of a battle, and other curious anecdotes. Thomas Stubbins, the Doctor’s young assistant, describes how he and Doctor go about ‘listening’ to insects and learning from their very different lives. Young readers will expand their reading abilities while being introduced to such concepts as ‘intuitive’ knowledge. Hugh Lofting writes with both humour and thoughtfulness as he examines life from a bug’s point-of-view!
Following each chapter are three reading comprehension questions to be answered in a separate notebook, in complete sentences. There is also a list of five words from the chapter: the student should copy them into the blank space provided, and learn to spell them. Finish up by colouring a simple insect drawing! (There is one drawing at the end of every chapter.)
Learning to relax and replenish is a vital life skill! And learning to observe can help anyone, at any age, to improve your ability to complete tasks well. It will also help you to enjoy life, since much of what we experience amounts to many small moments all in a row!
Every activity in this book offers a way to remember how to enjoy simple pleasures. Print the whole book, or just choose sections that interest you.
Rather than trying to resist the slow and simple side of the warmest season, let yourself be encouraged to slow down, observe tiny details and make the most of a Simple Summer!
Subjects: Water, Laugh!, Draw a Plant or Tree, The Sky, The Wind, Pet Rock, Decorate A Small Space, Garden In A Box, Simple Exercise, Clean Mind and Heart, Mini-Campfire, Tiny World, Travel At Home, Do Nothing On Purpose, Slow Down, Enjoy Your Food, Bird-watching, A Simple Poem
‘Hearne’s Incredible Overland Journey’ is the second chapter of Stephen Leacock’s ‘Adventurers of the Far North’, which contains accounts of the historic voyages to the northern regions of what is now Canada. This chapter describes the three amazing overland journeys made by Samuel Hearne on behalf of the Hudson’s Bay Company, in search of a copper mine and a Northwest Passage. Though neither was found, Hearne’s adventures, as recounted in his own journal in detail (and quoted in Leacock’s book), became an iconic account of northern survival. It also offers descriptions of encounters with First Nations that provide unique food for thought, as they reveal the widely varied behaviours of these people toward one another and toward Europeans. The tone of the writing is neither formal nor chatty, but invites the reader to take an interest in a topic for which the author evidently had a genuine passion.
This book contains chapter two from ‘Adventurers of the Far North’. For study purposes, it has been divided into 12 short sections, each 1-3 pages long. After every section there are:
10 reading comprehension questions about the text, to be answered after reading that section. These are meant to help the student to remember and understand important facts.
at least 2 questions under the heading ‘Thinking About the Details’. These ask that the student find a specific small segment of the text which has been underlined (page numbers are given) and answer pointed questions about that small piece of writing. These questions focus on writing style, word choice, intent and tone. Sometimes the student may be asked to verify facts. The purpose is to encourage the student to think critically about history and historical writing.
After the main text and assignments there is a blank map of Canada, which can be used by the student to make a visual representation of what they have learned from reading and thinking about ‘Hearne’s Incredible Overland Journey’.
About This Book
‘Great Elizabethan Navigators’ is the first chapter of ‘Adventurers of the Far North’, which contains accounts of the historic voyages to the northern regions of what is now Canada. This chapter describes the earliest quests to find a ‘Northwest Passage’ by European explorers such as Frobisher and Davis. Leacock explains the political and business reasons for the men’s journeys, and also gives short but interesting accounts of the voyages themselves, in some cases referring to journals as first-hand sources. These are short histories, but they are thorough. A student will be familiar with major dates, events and personalities after working through each text. The tone of the writing is neither formal nor chatty, but invites the reader to take an interest in a topic for which the author evidently had a genuine passion.
This book contains chapter one from ‘Adventurers of the Far North’. For study purposes, it has been divided into 6 short sections, each roughly 3 pages long. After every section there are 10 reading comprehension questions, which the student may answer as they read or after reading the previous section. These questions are meant to help the student to remember and understand important facts. There are also at least two questions under the heading ‘Thinking About the Details’. These ask that the student find a specific small segment of the text which has been underlined (page numbers are given) and answer pointed questions about that small piece of writing. These questions focus on writing style, word choice, intent and tone. Sometimes the student may be asked to verify facts. The purpose is to encourage the student to think critically about history and historical writing.
After the main text and assignments there is a blank map of Canada, which can be used by the student to make a visual representation of what they have learned from reading and thinking about ‘Great Elizabethan Navigators’.